Office First Aid Kits
What is a first aid kit?
A first aid kit is an assortment of medical supplies and equipment for first aid. First aid kits contain the means to dress wounds and to control bleeding, commonly plasters, bandages, dressings and wipes. Often a first aid guidance leaflet is included.
What first aid kit do I need?
According to the UK Approved Code of Practice (ACOP L74), “An employer shall provide, or ensure that there is provides, such equipment and facilities as is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances to enable First Aid to be rendered to employees if they are injured of become ill at work” (ACOP 3(1)). Further, “An employer should make an assessment of first-aid needs appropriate to the circumstances of each workplace” (ACOP 3(4)).
Buying the right first aid kit first requires the employer to make an assessment of the first aid needs of his or her employees, taking into account workplace hazards and risks; the size of the company; the company's accident history; the nature and distribution of the workforce; the company's location, specifically the distance from emergency services; the needs of lone, travelling and remote workers; employees working in shared / multi-occupied sites; and annual leave and absences of first-aiders.
Once a first aid assessment has been, choose first aid kits appropriate to the number of employees you have from the HSE compliant range.
- 1-10 persons
- 1-20 persons
- 1-50 persons
- Burns kit
- Body fluid kit
Consider also whether you need first aid kits for personnel working off site.
In addition, eyewash may be required in areas where mains tap water is readily available.
Types of first aid kits at Paperstone
We sell a wide range of first aid kits from Wallace Cameron and Frank Sammeroff. This includes:
- Compact first aid kits for up to five persons.
- First response bags – ideal for crowds and events.
- Domestic first aid kits – ideal for home.
- Premier first aid kits – with extra content including scissors, resusciade and accident book.
- Traditional green box first aid kits. HSE compliant. Wall bracket supplied.
- catering first aid kits. – for first aid in the kitchen. HSE compliant. Wall bracket supplied.