Levels of Protection Physical Agents (Noise) Directive - 2003/10/ECA
This Directive is now in place and became law in early 2008. It requires that persons working in noise levels between
80dBA (Lower Action Level) & 85dBA must be provided with suitable hearing protection on request. Where noise levels
are at or above 85dBA (Upper Action Level), suitable hearing protection must be supplied and worn. In addition,
new "Exposure Limit Value" requires that no worker may be exposed to more than "87dBA 8 Hour Equivalent" under
any circumstances, taking into account any hearing protection worn, (the 87dBA level is that INSIDE the Hearing
Protector). There are also new "Action Values" for impact noise and the requirement for Risk Assessments in the
workplace is reinforced by Article 4 of the new Directive.